*hicupps* heh..... what?!
*hicupps* leave HIDO buisness alone?! damn... shinobi scum bags?!
" am five time war hero *hicupps* these scar aint for hear...?!
-lays back down- "ZZZZZZZ"
5 minutes later-
-phash splash- Wah....*hicupps*
..."OH, yea the new guy right *hiccups*
"Take a look at the system below *hicupps* the small fairy people will he...lp....yo...zzzzzzzz"
-ranking system-
title rank:
1.lord sanada:the highest title in the sanada clan.
2.counsel: the highst title a none sanada birthmark can have.
3.vice sanada:secound in command take comand if lord goes missing.
4.shogun sanada: warlord must be birth rights.
5.shotician: shogun sanada assisstance.
6. grand crimson generals:specialist leader to take comand in war.
7.grand generals:leader that lead in war.
8.crimson fury: special group of ninjas use for special situation.
9.retainers: the men that fall secound to the grand generals.
10.shinobi of valor: regular soldier of war that travel in groups of three.
* note- the counsel men are a set of five, the crimson generals are a set of four,grand generals are a set of eight,crimson fury are special units see me if you wish to join. depending on your skillz you will be place in retainers or shinobi valor.also all title with sanada mean you must be of birthrights*
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- Lord Sanada
- well, cant tell really just kill the vibe. read my blog there awesome i hope!!