yuna:"I hope so my lordshipness, i have all the equipment set just need a little more work and we should be done" let me just set this up and there try it now lord sanada???
lord sanada: stand back!! ok and bam"
-secound part: -five minutes after the post succsess-
lord sanada:"HOLY TAMOLY we did it"
yuna:"glad to be at your service lord sanada" hehe. " mabe i get that promotion i had ask for??
lord sanada:"What the hell!! what promotion?? stop being a whore all the time go do somthing usefull for once in your life" -gibberish-
yuna: damn baster if he only knew what i was thinking{ pic on bottom }}}}}
lord sanada: what was that???
yuna: nothing"
lord sanada:WHORE!!
yuna: thats it!!
- 5 minutes later-